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CompanyPlay M Entertainment
Year Debut2016
Year Active8
Year DisbandedN/A

Not Ranked



VICTON (빅톤; short for Voice to New World) is a seven-member South Korean (K-pop) boy group formed by Play M Entertainment. The group debuted on November 9, 2016 with seven members: Seungwoo, Seungsik, Heochan, Sejun, Hanse, Byungchan, and Subin.

The official fandom name of VICTON is ALICE, acronym for Always We Love the Voice.

# of Members7
MembersSeungwoo, Seungsik, Heochan, Sejun, Hanse, Byungchan, Subin
Oldest MemberSeungwoo (born Dec 24, 1994)
Youngest MemberSubin (born Apr 5, 1999)
DebutNov 9, 2016
CompanyPlay M Entertainment

VICTON Member Ages

VICTON Age Ranking

Ranked from oldest to youngest.

1. SeungwooDec 24, 199429 years old
2. SeungsikApr 16, 199529 years old
3. ChanDec 14, 199528 years old
4. SejunMay 04, 199627 years old
5. HanseSep 25, 199726 years old
6. ByungchanNov 12, 199726 years old
7. SubinApr 05, 199925 years old

VICTON Member Heights

VICTON Height Ranking

Ranked from tallest to shortest.

1. Byungchan1.85 m (6'1")
2. Seungwoo1.84 m (6'0")
3. Sejun1.80 m (5'11")
4. Seungsik1.80 m (5'11")
5. Chan1.77 m (5'10")
6. Hanse1.76 m (5'9")
7. Subin1.75 m (5'9")

Members and Position(s)


Victon is composed of seven members born between 1994 and 1999. Their names are: Seungwoo, Seungsik, Heochan, Sejun, Hanse, Byungchan, and Subin. The oldest member is Seungwoo (born Dec 24, 1994). The youngest member is Subin (born Apr 5, 1999). All seven members of Victon are Korean.


Seungwoolead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocalist
Seungsikleader, main vocalist
Chanmain dancer, vocalist
Sejunlead vocalist, visual
Hansemain rapper, lead dancer
Byungchanvocalist, visual
Subinvocalist, rapper, maknae

MBTI Personality Types

MemberMBTIPersonality Traits
SeungwooISFJIntroverted, observant, feeling, judging
SeungsikISFJIntroverted, observant, feeling, judging
ChanENFJExtroverted, intuitive, feeling, judging
SejunENFJExtroverted, intuitive, feeling, judging
HanseESTJExtroverted, observant, thinking, judging
ByungchanISFPIntroverted, observant, feeling, prospective
SubinINTJIntroverted, intuitive, thinking, judging

Fun Facts and Trivia

  • The tallest member of VICTON is Choi Byungchan with a height of 185 cm (6'1'').
  • The shortest member of VICTON is Jung Subin with a height of 175 cm (5'9'').
  • The oldest member of VICTON is Seungwoo (born Dec 24, 1994).
  • The youngest member (maknae) of VICTON is Jung Su Bin (born Apr 5, 1999).
  • The leader of VICTON is Kang Seungsik.


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