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Uhm Jung Hwa

Uhm Jung Hwa

Stage NameUhm Jung Hwa
Full NameUhm Jung Hwa
Country of BirthKorea
Date of BirthAug 17, 1969
Age54 years old
Height1.64 m (5'5")
Weight47 kg (103 lbs)
Blood TypeA

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Uhm Jung-hwa (엄정화; born Aug 17, 1969) is a South Korean actress and singer. She is considered one of the top actresses and one of the most influential women in the South Korean entertainment industry. Uhm Jung-hwa made her debut as an actress in 1992 and as a singer in 1993.

Fun Facts and Trivia

  • Uhm has her own clothing and lingerie line called Corner Suite and ZHUM in New York.
  • In 2010, Jung-hwa went through surgery after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She has fully recovered.


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