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Ariel Tsai

Ariel Tsai

Stage NameAriel Tsai
Full NameTsai Ariel
Country of BirthTaiwan
Date of BirthJan 23, 1995
Age29 years old
Blood TypeN/A

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Ariel Tsai (蔡佩軒; born Jan 23, 1995) is a Taiwanese singer-songwriter and Youtube celebrity. She is best known for her popular Youtube videos that have garnered millions of views and her live Facebook streams.

Ariel moved to Vancouver, Canada at a very young age. She started learning classical piano at the age of 5 and composed her first song at the age of 14. She graduated from the Pharmacy Department at the University of British Columbia in Canada in 2018.

Fun Facts and Trivia

In 2019, Ariel was selected as one of the top 100 most influential celebrities in Taiwan. The list only included three or four musicians, one of which was Ariel.


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