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Year Debut2017
Year Active7
Year DisbandedN/A

Not Ranked


GreatGuys (멋진녀석들; debuted Aug 25, 2017) is a nine-member South Korean (K-pop) boy group under DNA Entertainment. They made their debut on Aug 25, 2017 with the single Last Men.


Number of Members: 9

Members: Jae I, Horyeong, Haneul, Daun, Donghwi, Dongin, Hwalchan, Uiyeon, Baekgyeol.

Genre: Kpop

Oldest Member and Leader: Jae I (born Aug 6, 1993)

Youngest Member (Maknae): Baekgyeol (born Sep 24, 1997)

Debut date: Aug 25, 2017

Label: DNA Entertainment

Fandom: Grace

Members and Positions


GreatGuys is composed of nine members born between 1993 and 1997. Their names are: Jae I, Horyeong, Haneul, Daun, Donghwi, Dongin, Hwalchan, Uiyeon, and Baekgyeol. The oldest member and leader of the group is Jae I (born Aug 6, 1993). The youngest member (maknae) is Baekgyeol (born Sep 24, 1997). All the members are Korean.


1. Jae I: leader, lead vocalist

2. Horyeong: sub vocalist

3. Haneul: sub vocalist

4. Daun: main vocalist

5. Donghwi: main vocalist

6. Dongin: main rapper

7. Hwalchan: sub vocalist

8. Uiyeon: lead rapper

9. Baekgyeol: sub vocalist, maknae

Age Ranking

Ranked from oldest to youngest (international age as of 2021):

1. Jae I: Aug 6, 1993

2. Horyeong: Sep 6, 1994

3. Haneul: Oct 5, 1994

4. Daun: Jan 19, 1995

5. Donghwi: Feb 10, 1995

6. Dongin: Mar 5, 1996

7. Hwalchan: Sep 18, 1996

8. Uiyeon: Oct 23, 1996

9. Baekgyeol: Sep 24, 1997

Height Ranking

Ranked from tallest to shortest:

1. Uiyeon: 192 cm (6'4")

2. Hwalchan: 190 cm (6'3")

3. Baekgyeol: 187 cm (6'2")

4. Horyeong: 184 cm (6'0")

5. Dongin: 184 cm (6'0")

6. Haneul: 183 cm (6'0")

7. Jae I: 180 cm (5'11")

8. Donghwi: 180 cm (5'11")

9. Daun: 178 cm (5'10")

Fun Facts and Trivia

  • The oldest member and leader of GreatGuys is Jae I (born Aug 6, 1993).
  • The youngest member (maknae) GreatGuys is Baekgyeol (born Sep 24, 1997).
  • The tallest member of GreatGuys is Uiyeon with a height of 192 cm (6'4").
  • The shortest member of GreatGuys is Daun with a height of 178 cm (5'10").

Members' Profiles

1. JAE I

Stage Name: Jae I

Full Name: Im Hahyeong

Native Name: 임하형

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Aug 6, 1993

Height: 180 cm (5'11")

Weight: 62 kg (137 lbs)

Blood Type: O

Zodiac: Leo


Stage Name: Horyeong

Full Name: Jeong Yeongki

Native Name: 정영기

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Sep 6, 1994

Height: 184 cm (6'0")

Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)

Blood Type: A

Zodiac: Virgo


Stage Name: Haneul

Full Name: Kim Jinhyeon

Native Name: 김진현

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Oct 5, 1994

Height: 183 cm (6'0")

Weight: 63 kg (139 lbs)

Blood Type: A

Zodiac: Libra


Stage Name: Daun

Full Name: Lee Junghoon

Native Name: 이정훈

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Jan 19, 1995

Height: 178 cm (5'10")

Weight: 63 kg (139 lbs)

Blood Type: A

Zodiac: Capricorn


Stage Name: Donghwi

Full Name: Kim Donghyun

Native Name: 김동현

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Feb 10, 1995

Height: 180 cm (5'11")

Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)

Blood Type: B

Zodiac: Aquarius


Stage Name: Dongin

Full Name: Lee Youngjun

Native Name: 이영준

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Mar 5, 1996

Height: 184 cm (6'0")

Weight: 63 kg (139 lbs)

Blood Type: O

Zodiac: Pisces


Stage Name: Hwalchan

Full Name: Lee Daeyoung

Native Name: 이대영

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Sep 18, 1996

Height: 190 cm (6'3")

Weight: 72 kg (159 lbs)

Blood Type: A

Zodiac: Virgo


Stage Name: Uiyeon

Full Name: Jeon Mingi

Native Name: 전민기

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Oct 23, 1996

Height: 192 cm (6'4")

Weight: kg (0 lbs)

Blood Type: AB

Zodiac: Scorpio


Stage Name: Baekgyeol

Full Name: Jung Semin

Native Name: 정세민

Birth Place: Korea

Birthday: Sep 24, 1997

Height: 187 cm (6'2")

Weight: 68 kg (150 lbs)

Blood Type: A

Zodiac: Libra


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