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Block B

Block B

NameBlock B
CompanyKQ Entertainment
Year Debut2011
Year Active13
Year DisbandedN/A

Not Ranked


Block B (블락비) is a 6-member South Korean boy group under KQ Entertainment. The group debuted on April 13, 2011. The members of Block B are Taeil, B-Bomb, U-Kwon, P.O, Kyung, and Jaehyo. Block B was originally a 7-member group. Zico departed from Block B in 2018 to start his own label, KOZ Entertainment.


  • No. Members: 6
  • Members: Taeil, B-Bomb, U-Kwon, P.O, Kyung, and Jaehyo
  • Former Member: Zico
  • Oldest Member: Taeil (born Sep 24, 1990)
  • Youngest Member: P.O. (born Feb 2, 1993)
  • Leader: Zico
  • Debut: April 13, 2011
  • Fandom: BBC
  • Company: KQ Entertainment


Block B is composed of 6 members born between 1990 and 1993. The oldest member is Taeil (born Sep 24, 1990). He was 20 years old when the group debuted. The youngest member is P.O (born Feb 2, 1993). He was 18 years old at the time of Block B's debut in 2011.

In terms of ethnicity, all Block B members are Korean.

Zico was one of the original members. He left the group in 2018 and went on to start his own label KOZ Entertainment in 2019.


The leader of the group was Zico. After he departed, there hasn't been a new leader assigned. The main vocalist is Taeil and the main dancer is B-Bomb.

Taeilmain vocalist
B-Bombmain dancer, vocalist
Jaehyolead vocalist, visual
U-Kwonlead dancer, vocalist
Kyunglead rapper, vocalist
P.O.lead rapper, vocalist, maknae


Here are the ages of Block B members when they debuted (Apr 2011):

TaeilSep 24, 199020
B-BombDec 14, 199020
JaehyoDec 23, 199020
U-KwonApr 9, 199219
KyungJul 8, 199219
ZicoSep 14, 199219
P.O.Feb 2, 199318

*Age during Block B's debut on April 13, 2011

Where Are They Now?

In 2018, Zico left the group and went on to start his own label KOZ Entertainment in 2019. During that year, all of the members except for Zico had renewed their contracts. Block B has not released an announcement regarding the official disbandment. The group remains inactive and the members have gone to pursue their own individual projects.

Taeil enlisted in 2019 and was discharged from military service in Dec 2020. He appeared in The King of Mask Singers in 2021. B-Bomb and P.O have been pursuing their acting career. B-Bomb started a YouTube channel and has been releasing vlogs and videos. U-Kwon, Zico, and Kyung served their mandatory enlistment in 2021.

Fun Facts and Trivia

  • Block B was formed by Cho PD from Stardom Entertainment who was trying to create a "Korean Eminem".
  • Block B earned its nickname of "Dark Horse of Kpop" after rising through the charts despite a rocky and unsuccessful debut.


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