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JN Boy Group

JN Boy Group

NameJN Boy Group
CompanyJN Entertainment
Year Debut2021
Year Active3
Year DisbandedN/A

Not Ranked

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JN Boy Group (temporary name; debut in 2021) is a 7-member pre-debut South Korean kpop boy group under JN Entertainment. The group is expected to debut in 2021. The members are: Bleu, Moonbong, Iroon, Vin, Gonhee, and Hyeongjin.


Number of Members: 7

Members: Bleu, Moonbong, Iroon, Hyeongjin, Vin, Gonhee

Oldest Member: Bleu (born Apr 13, 1996).

Youngest Member (Maknae):

Label: JN Entertainment

Debut: Expected 2021

JN Boy Group Member Ages

JN Boy Group Age Ranking

Ranked from oldest to youngest.

1. BleuApr 13, 199627 years old
2. MoonbongJul 08, 199825 years old
3. Gonhee
4. Iroon
5. Vin
6. Hyeongjin

JN Boy Group Member Heights

JN Boy Group Height Ranking

Ranked from tallest to shortest.

1. Bleu1.76 m (5'9")
2. Moonbong1.74 m (5'9")
3. Hyeongjin
4. Vin
5. Iroon
6. Gonhee


1. Bleu: leader, vocalist

2. Moonbong: vocalist

3. Iroon: dancer, rapper

4. Hyeongjin: rapper, maknae

5. Vin

6. Gonhee

Fun Facts and Trivia

  • Bleu is Indonesian as he was born in Indonesia; however, he is from Chinese and Korean descent. He is a former member of the kpop group called 14U under the stage name Loudi. The group debuted on July 2017 and disbanded two years later on May 2019 after most of the members terminated their contract.
  • Moonbong is a former member of the kpop group MASC. MASC had debuted on Aug 2016 and Moonbong departed from the group in 2020.
  • The oldest member is Bleu (born Apr 13, 1996).

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