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CompanyMorph Management
FandomFrom A
Year Debut2020
Year Active4
Year DisbandedN/A

Not Ranked

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2Z (투지; also stylized TU:ZI and TuZi) is a South Korean boy rock band formed by Morph Management and GOGO2020. The group debuted on January 14 2020 and it currently has five members: Hojin, Jiseob, Junghyun, Bumjun, and Zunon (joined on July 2020). Hyunwoong left the group in June 2020.

The official fandom name of 2Z is From A, which is a play on words on the name of the band ‘From A to Z’ (2Z).

2Z Member Ages

2Z Age Ranking

Ranked from oldest to youngest.

1. BumjunFeb 03, 199925 years old
2. HojinJul 03, 200122 years old
3. JiseobNov 11, 200122 years old
4. junghyunMay 20, 200221 years old
5. Zunon

2Z Member Heights

2Z Height Ranking

Ranked from tallest to shortest.

1. junghyun1.92 m (6'4")
2. Hojin1.88 m (6'2")
3. Bumjun1.85 m (6'1")
4. Jiseob1.85 m (6'1")
5. Zunon

Members and Position(s)


2Z is composed of five members born between 1999 and 2002. Their names are Hojin, Jiseob, Junghyun, Bumjun, and Zunon. The oldest member is Bumjun (born Feb 3, 1999).


Bumjunleader, drums
Hojinmain vocalist

Fun Facts and Trivia

  • The leader and oldest member of 2Z is Park Bumjun (born Feb 3, 1999).
  • The youngest member (maknae) of 2Z is Lee Junghyun (born May 20, 2002).
  • The tallest member of 2Z is Lee Junghyun with a height of 192 cm (6'4'').
  • The shortest member of 2Z is Kim Hyunwoong with a height of 182 cm (5'12'').
  • The average height of 2Z is 186 cm (6'1'').
  • 2Z members are fashion models as well as idols, which explains their tall height.


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